


请在下方找到我们关于组件危机的评论,您可以将此消息传达给我们的客户。 关于全球电子元件供应短缺的情况,我们想通知我们的客户和未来客户,我们的产品可能会受到元件危机的影响。 ALPAO 正在采取积极主动的行动,以避免或限制对我们供应链的影响,但是我们希望鼓励我们的客户在安排他们的项目之前考虑这个参数。 到目前为止,我们的生产没有受到影响,但是我们的延迟和价格很可能会在 2022 年第一季度受到影响。 因此,我们邀请所有客户在可能的情况下尽快预测他们的订单和项目。

Please find below our comment regarding the component crisis, you can communicate this message to our customers.

Regarding the situation on worldwide shortage of supply for Electronics Components, we would like to inform our customer and future customer that our product could be impacted by the components crisis.

ALPAO is taking pro-active actions in order to avoid or to limit the effects on our supply chain, however we would like to encourage our customers to take into account this parameter before scheduling their project.

Up to now, our production is not impacted however it is very likely that our delay and price could be impacted during the first quarter 2022.

So, we invite all our customers, when it is possible, to anticipate their orders and project as soon as possible.
